The author’s tone in this passage is ______. [br] The author’s primary purpose i

游客2024-03-04  5

问题 The author’s tone in this passage is ______. [br] The author’s primary purpose in this passage is to ______.

选项 A、plead for the abolishment of uniforms
B、show that uniforms are not possible in a democratic society
C、advocate stronger governmental control on the wearing of uniforms
D、convince the reader that uniforms have more disadvantages than advantages

答案 D

解析 本题问“本文作者的主要意图是什么?”作者的观点从一开始就很明确,即使读者相信强迫穿制服的害处。故[D]“使读者相信穿制服弊大于利”正确。[A]“请求废除制服”。文中作者只是说明强迫穿制服的缺点,但并没有请求废除制服,本项属于过度引申。[B]“证明穿制最在民主的社会是不可能的”。文中第一句就说“无论任何情况下都不应该有人被迫穿制服”,但并没有说在不强制的情况下不可以穿制服。[C]“提倡政府大力控制穿制服”。本项与作者的原意相反,所以不正确。