What about the distinction between violent acts and non-violent ones in sports?

游客2024-03-04  6

问题 What about the distinction between violent acts and non-violent ones in sports? [br] A sports violence "apologist" probably thinks that ______.

选项 A、violence in sports is not necessary
B、professional athletes enjoy violence
C、violence in spots is a rare occurrence
D、athletes are paid enough for their injuries

答案 D

解析 细节题。参见文中第四段。体育暴力的辩护者提出两个理由:一是他们认为体育运动中始终存在着暴力,应当得到容忍;二是运动员应将其看做比赛的一部分,因为从职业运动员的角度来讲,他们收入颇丰:...are paid handsomely to do so...