On January 1, 2002, the Euro______. [br] Why is it easy for people to work in ot

游客2024-03-03  5

问题 On January 1, 2002, the Euro______. [br] Why is it easy for people to work in other member counties when the Euro became the single currency?

选项 A、Because people are more easily employable in other countries.
B、Because the salary can be paid in the same currency.
C、Because the same business is conducted in other countries.
D、Because different countries adopt the same employment policy.

答案 B

解析 由题干中easy for people to work in other member counties可定位到第十一段末句With a single currency,it is less difficult for people to cross into the next country to work, because their salary is paid in the same currency they use in their own country.[精析] 因果关系处设题。本题考查为何欧元的使用使人们在不同国家找工作变得容易起来。原句because从句给出了本题答案,B)与原文相符,即为答案。