The writer applied for the job because ______. [br] The length of his interview

游客2024-03-03  6

问题 The writer applied for the job because ______. [br] The length of his interview meant that ______.

选项 A、he had not done well in the intelligence test
B、he was not going to be offered the job
C、he had little work experience to talk about
D、he did not like the examiner

答案 B

解析 本题问“他面试的时间的长短意味着什么?”文中第二段最后部分提到,Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as long as five minutes.Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.也就是说,时间长的面试是较成功的,有的面试持续达五分钟,而作者的面试只持续了一分半钟,这就意味着他不成功。故[B]“他将不套得到这个工作”正确。[A]“他在智力测试中表现不佳”。在第二段有关面试的描述中可知,作者的表现很好,不然他不可能被选入第二轮的心理测试。此项与文章内容相反。[C]“他没有什么工作经验可以谈论”。本文没有提及作者的工作经验。[D]“他不喜欢这个考官”。当考官宣布他面试失败时,作者确实表达了对那位心理测试的考官的抵触情绪,但是这与他面试时间短所代表的意义没有关联。