When Laurie Aronson was over 35, she did not feel worried because she was unwill

游客2024-03-03  1

问题 When Laurie Aronson was over 35, she did not feel worried because she was unwilling to get married. [br] According to the research in Newsweek, it was predicted that the older an after-her-20s but unmarried woman was, the less possibly she would marry.

选项 A、Y

答案 A

解析 定位到第二段中间部分Twenty years ago... Newsweek. In "The Marriage Crunch," the magazine... failed to marry in their 20s. According to the research, a woman who remained single at 30 had only a 20 percent chance... was "more likely to be killed by a terrorist" than to ever marry.[精析] 综合理解题[考频:3]。从原文可以知道,根据这个杂志上的研究预测,到30岁仍然独身的女性其结婚的几率为20%,到35岁仍然独身的女性其结婚的几率下降到5%,而到40岁仍然独身的女性其结婚的几率几乎为0(比被恐怖分子杀害的可能性还小)。题干中说一个过了20岁年龄段仍单身的女性,其年龄越大则其结婚的可能性越小,这与原文一致。