[originaltext]M: I have an extra ticket to the new hit movie tonight. Would you

游客2024-03-01  4

M: I have an extra ticket to the new hit movie tonight. Would you like to come along?
W: Thanks, but I have already got my own ticket. Perhaps you can sell the other one at the door.
Q: What does the woman suggest?
M: Can you show me how to find an article published last year in English Language Learning?
W: You can look up the index of English Language Learning, find the volume of last year’s and check under title or author.
Q: Where did their conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、In a store house.
B、In a publishing house.
C、In a library.
D、In the English Department.

答案 C

解析 双方谈论的话题是如何查到去年《英语学习》杂志上发表的文章。所给的四个选项中,此对话最有可能发生的地点应当是图书馆。