For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write about Job-hopping. You should

游客2024-03-01  3

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write about Job-hopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 有人认为通过跳槽可以改变收入、工作环境等;
2. 有人认为员工应忠于自己的公司;
3. 我认为……


答案     Nowadays, job-hopping is nothing rare in large cities(l). People, especially the young people constantly(2) change their jobs for the sake of(3) a higher salaries or a better working environment(4). These people believe, on the one hand(5), it is their right to choose which company to work, and on the other hand, it is not advisable(6) for a person to stick to(7) one company in the whole life.
    But there is a reverse opinion regarding job-hopping(8). Some people think it is disloyal to quit one’s job and go to work at another company. They believe the employer and employee should keep loyalty to each other. At the same time, life-time devotion to one company is good for the development.
    As for me, I think job-hopping is a good idea especially in a time that no one is guaranteed that he can maintain a life-long job, therefore we should not hesitate to change a company when the timing is right(9). Of course, before making the decision to leave a company, we should think whether it is worthwhile to do so.

解析     本文为观点型写作。对于此类文章,考生可积累一些套语,并在参考写作模板的基础上总结个人使用写作模板。逻辑连接词等在此类文体中总能起到积极作用。
    1.文章开篇点题。…is nothing rare in…表示“某现象并不罕见”,推荐考生记忆并能运用此结构。
    3.For the sake of意为“为了……”,该短语也在书面语中常用。
    4.“工作环境”的英文表达为“working environment”。
    5.英文中常见一个较长的句子中间有短语或者副词等作插入成分,可使逻辑清楚,也使句式灵活。On the one hand,...and on the other hand可用来连接一个问题的两方面,即“一方面……,另一方面……”。
    6.It is not advisable/ it is advisable也为书面表达常用句型,意为“不应该/应该……”。
    7.stick to为固定搭配,意为“坚持,坚守在”。
    8.There is a reverse opinion意为“有相反意见”。
    9.When the timing is right意为“当时机成熟的时候”。