[originaltext]W: How did you find your job? Did any of your near relatives tell

游客2024-02-29  1

W: How did you find your job? Did any of your near relatives tell you about it?
M: I looked and looked for months without finding anything. Then I saw it advertised in the paper. So I applied and got it.
Q: How did the man learn about the job?
W: I’m really worried about the presentation I’m going to give tomorrow morning in front of the class.
M: Take it easy. You’ll be just fine. Everyone was impressed with your last one.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、She has good reason to worry about her presentation.
B、She will be fine because she has practiced a lot.
C、He thinks her presentation will impress everybody.
D、He thinks she will do a good job.

答案 D

解析 从男士对女士说的“You’ll be just fine.”那句话来看,他对她很有信心,而且她上次的陈述又给大家留下了深刻印象,由此可推断他认为对方会做得很好。