[originaltext] I’m a freelance andio-visual and graphics designer and I work
[originaltext] I’m a freelance andio-visual and graphics designer and I work
I’m a freelance andio-visual and graphics designer and I work for the conference industry. I design the slide show, which we call AVs, short for audio-visuals.
The first thing I think about in the morning is breakfast. I’m usually up at about 8.00 a.m. and sit down and start work at about 10.00) a.m. I can do all the designing part of my job at home, so I might sketch for a couple of hours before lunch.I’m lucky as I can design very fast. It might take me an hour to design something that would take someone else a day to do.The problem is that once I’ve done that, I’ll stop and not work for the mst of the day! As a freelance, there’s no one making sure I’m working, so motivation can be a problem.
Working freelance means I’m my own boss and I can decide when I work. Consequently, I have more time for myself. I’ve designed an adult board game and now I have the time to reline it before I try to sell it to one of the big games companies.When I was working as an employee of just one company, I couldn’t do that because I had to work such long hours. The disadvantage of freelance work is that you don’t have the stability of a monthly wage. At the moment I don’t know if I’ll have any work in December and January.
I think my job is the most difficult when I have an idea block. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen that often, but it is quite stressful constantly having to think of new ideas. Now I’ve calmed down quite a lot and don’t find it as stressful as I used to.
In the afternoons, I may continue working at home or I might have a meeting with a producer.
Now that I’m working freelance and not tied to one company, my evenings and weekends are generally free. As a designer, it’s important for me to keep up with what’s happening in the design world, so I often go to the cinema and exhibitions. But I don’t see this as work, it’s definitely a pleasure!
I think I’ll stay in this job for now. I don’t think there are many people who really enjoy their work as much as I do.It’s a very exciting job and I get a terrific kick out of seeing my designs up on screen at a show.
A、To relax himself.
B、To keep up with what’s happening in the design world.
C、To meet some important people in the design world.
D、To discuss his new ideas with producers.
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