First Aid for Animal BitesRisks of Bites The most c
First Aid for Animal BitesRisks of Bites The most c
First Aid for Animal Bites
Risks of Bites
The most common animal bites in the United States are from dogs, cats and other humans in that order. Less common, but often more dangerous, are bites from skunks, raccoons, bats and other animals that live in the wild. The health risk of a bite depends on the animal and how severe the bite is. Risks include:
Rabies (狂犬病)—a serious and often fatal viral infection of the central nervous system. The virus is transmitted to human through the saliva(口水)of the infected animals. (Only warm-blooded animals can carry rabies. )
Poison—from the snakes; from the spiders--the worst ones being black widows, tarantulas and the brown recluse.
Lyme (莱姆关节炎) Disease—a bacterial infection spread by deer tick(扁虱) bites.
Lockjaw (破伤风)—painful, persistent stiffness of the jaw due to poison which can be prevented with up-to-date immunizations.
Bites Prevention
People should be careful When you find that animals have the following symptoms:
Strange behavior such as activity by day for animals that are normally active by night.
Agitation, lack of fear of humans.
Foaming at the mouth.
Never leave a small child alone with a dog or cat, even if it’s a puppy or kitten. Teething as well as excited pets have been known to bite.
Teach children not to tease an animal. Tell them not to wave sticks, throw stones or pull a tail.
Do not move suddenly or scream around an animal. Don’ t rush up to a dog until you know for sure that it is friendly. Sudden movements and loud noises can scare animals and cause them to attack.
leave pet dogs and cats alone while they are eating or sleeping.
Do not feed wild animals with your hands.
Do not pick up a sick or injured animal.
Do not nm from a strange dog.
Do not keep wild animals as pets.
Wear heavy boots when walking in areas where snakes live.
Wear long pants tucked into socks and long-sleeve shirts when walking through fields and forests, when camping, hiking and the like. (Light colored, tightly woven clothing is best. )
Inspect for ticks after these activities.
Questions to Ask
Is the Skin severely mangled(撕裂)by the animal bite or has the face been bitten?
Control bleeding if it is severe. Apply direct pressure on the wound and elevate the wounded area higher than the heart.
Does the person show signs of shock? These include:
Pale or bluish lips, skin or fingernails
Cool, moist skin
Rapid or slow heart beat and/or breathing
Weakness, trembling
Restlessness, anxiety, confusion
Enlarged pupils
Has the victim been bitten by a snake known to be poisonous or are you unsure whether or not the snake is poisonous?
Carefully move the victim (or yourself) away from the snake. Carry the victim if necessary.
Calm the victim and have the victim rest as much as possible. Moving about can help the venom(毒液) spread.
Gently wash the bite area with soap and water.
Keep the limb of the bite site level with or just below the level of the heart.
Apply a batten to the limb of the bite site to keep it from moving.
Apply cold or ice to the bite
Cut the fang(毒牙)mark
Try to suck out the venom
Apply a tourniquet (止血带) or a bandage
Has the victim been bitten by a spider known to be poisonous or are you unsure whether or not the spider is poisonous? Are any of these symptoms present?
Tiny red bite marks, swelling at bite site
A dull, numbing pain in the area of the bite
Painful cramps (抽筋) and muscle stiffness in the abdomen or shoulders, chest and back
Restless, dizziness, problems with breathing, convulsions
Fever, chills, heavy sweating
Get first aid before emergency care
Perform rescue breathing, if needed.
If you can, keep the bitten area lower than the rest of the body.
Calm the victim and keep him or her warm.
Gently clean the site of the bite with soap and water or robbing alcohol.
Put an ice pack over the bite site for pain relief.
If you can, catch the spider in a closed container for identification.
First Aid Before Seeing Doctor
If bleeding is not severe, let the wound bleed, then wash the area with soap and water. Water wash for 10 minutes.
Is the animal wild or a pet that has not been immunized against rabies? Are there any signs of infection 24 hours or more after the animal bite? These include:
Severe swelling
Wash the bite area immediately with soap and warm water for 5 minutes to remove any saliva and other debris(碎片). If the bite is deep, flush the wound with water for ten minutes to protect against infection.
Dry the wound with a clean towel.
If the wound is swollen, apply ice wrapped in a towel for ten minutes.
Check your records or call your doctor or health department to see the date of the last tetanus shot(破伤风注射). Have the victim get a tetanus shot if not up-to-date.
If the bite hurts, take acetaminophen(解热镇痛药), aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium to relieve the pain.
Observe the wound for a few days, checking it for infection.
Report the incident to the animal control department.
If you know the pet’s owner, find out the date of the pot’s last rabies vaccination. It should be given yearly. If its immunizations are not current, arrange with the animal control department for the pot to be observed for the next 10 days to be sure it does not develop rabies.
Gently wash the site with soap and water.
Treat the bite as a minor wound.
Consult a health care provider if you notice signs of infection.
Remove any ticks found on the skin. Use tweezers(小钳子) to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull gently and carefully in a steady upward motion at the point where the tick’ s mouthpart enters the skin. Try not to crush the tick bemuse the secretions (分泌物)released may spread disease.
Wash the wound area and your hands with soap and water after removing ticks.
Save the tick in a closed jar of alcohol. It could help in diagnosing Lyme Disease. [br] If you touch pet dogs and cats by hand while they are eating or sleeping, they may get angry and attack you.
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