Every time we open our mouths and speak we label ourselves—I am English, you

游客2024-02-27  6

问题     Every time we open our mouths and speak we label ourselves—I am English, you may be Bulgarian or African. We are all human beings, but sometimes we have communication problems which can lead to suspicion and misunderstanding.
    If you speak English, you have an advantage. The English language mean. s power and freedom to many. It dominates international relations. It affects nearly all our lives in one way or another, influencing everything from pop music to diplomatic relations. Yet only around 10% of the world’s population are native English language speakers. Many of you reading now will have struggled to learn the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of this very complicated language:  But there could be another solution: learning Esperanto.
    Esperanto, meaning "one who hopes", is an artificial language, said to be the easiest in the world to learn. It was invented in 1887 by Ludwig Zamnehof, a young Polish optician(眼镜商).
    The usefulness of Esperanto has been recognized the world over. It is now estimated that around eight million people in over 100 countries have at least some knowledge of it.
    In Esperanto, we have a language that is easy to learn and fair to all speakers because it belongs not to one nation but to us all. Many people who have tried to learn other languages and failed, have succeeded in Esperanto because it is so easy. Although it is often seen as a joke and not as an important living language, it has been considered dangerous and governments are sometimes afraid of it.
    Your view of the world is largely based on the language you speak. If you are French, you have a French view, if you are Chinese, you have a Chinese view and so on. Peter Miles, of the Esperanto. Translation Service in England, says that speaking Esperanto gives you a truly international view of the world. He regards himself as a citizen of the world looking down from a satellite circling tile .earth, who is able to communicate with people all over the world in Esperanto. A nice thought! [br] What is the best title for the passage?

选项 A、Esperanto—An Artificial Language.
B、Esperanto—A Language For All.
C、Esperanto—People’s Hope.
D、Esperanto—A Nice Thought.

答案 B

解析 文章着重指出世界语并不属于哪一个民族,而属于全人类。故B项为最佳标题;