[originaltext]W: You are back late. How is the car, how did you find out about

游客2024-02-26  5

W: You are back late. How is the car, how did you find out about it?
M: The mechanic said the best thing is to sell it and get a new car.
Q: What would they do?
M: I ran into our friend Mark yesterday on the street and he said he hadn’t heard from you for two months.
W: Yes, I know. But I have been too busy to phone him.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、The man saw Mark on the street two month ago.
B、The woman had forgotten Mark’s number.
C、The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday.
D、Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.

答案 D
