[originaltext]M: Jessica, could you forward this email to all the club members?

游客2024-02-26  1

M: Jessica, could you forward this email to all the club members?
W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning. I’ll do it for you as soon as I have it fixed.
Q: What does the woman imply?
M: I heard there’re a few seats left for the show tonight.
W: Really? I was under the impression that the tickets were sold out a long time ago.
Q: What do we know from the woman’s reply?

选项 A、She thought there were no tickets left for the show.
B、She thought the seats on the left side were fully occupied.
C、The show was planned a long time ago.
D、The audience were deeply impressed by the show.

答案 A

解析 题目问我们能从女士的回答中得到什么信息。男士说今晚的演出还有一些座位,女士颇为惊讶,说—直以为票在很久以前就卖完了。可见A 正确。