[originaltext]W: Who do you think should get the job?How about Mr. Becket?M: M

游客2024-02-26  5

W: Who do you think should get the job?How about Mr. Becket?
M: Mr. Becket?I’m not sure. He is a nice fellow,of course,and easy to get along with,but I doubt his professional expertise. 1 want someone who can get the job done.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Mr. Becket?
M:There’s a McDonald’s right across the street.We can eat there.
W:I’m sure it’s going to be packed.We’ll never find seats.Can you go over and pick up some stuff for all of us and bring it back here?
Q:What does the woman ask the man to do?

选项 A、Reserve fl table.
B、Eat at McDonald’s.
C、Pack their food.
D、Buy some food at the McDonald’s.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据对话可以得知两人想去吃麦当劳,但是女士认为那里一定人满为患,找不到座位,建议Can you go over and pick up some stuff for all of us and bring it back here?关键信息是bring it here(拿回来)。因此选C,意思是打包拿回来的意思。选项D Buy some food at the McDonald’s不准确,应该说不仅仅是买,还要打包拿回来。答案是C。