[originaltext]W:Hi,Bill.Have you been playing much football lately?M:I play as

游客2024-02-25  6

W:Hi,Bill.Have you been playing much football lately?
M:I play as often as I can get out of the classroom.And the game is my way to be somebody.It’s my life,you know?
Q:What does Bill tell the woman?
M: I thought John was going to join us tonight.
W: I couldn’t reach him this afternoon, but I left word with his roommate that he should meet us at seven.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman told John to meet them at seven.
B、The roommate will meet John at seven.
C、John gave the roommate the message.
D、The woman asked the roommate to give John the message.

答案 D

解析 题目问从对话中可以得知什么。男士说他想John晚上会参加他们的活动。女士说她下午没有联系上John,但是给他的室友留了口信,让John七点钟与他们会合。故选D