[originaltext]W: Let’s drop by the post office again, Fred, and see if there is

游客2024-02-25  5

W: Let’s drop by the post office again, Fred, and see if there is any mail yet.
M: The post office again? It’s only been an hour.
Q: What does Fred mean?
M: Do you realize it’s almost mid-night?
W: I can’t believe it. Where is the time gone?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She thinks the time has passed quickly.
B、She thinks it’s after midnight.
C、She doesn’t believe the man.
D、She doesn’t care what time it is.

答案 A

解析 题目问女士的言外之意。男士问女士是否意识到已经是半夜了,女士说难以置信,时间都是怎么过去的。可见女士觉得时间过得很快。