[originaltext]W:Hi,Mike! You missed a great history lecture this morning.Where

游客2024-02-25  10

W:Hi,Mike! You missed a great history lecture this morning.Where were you?
M: Oh, I overslept again. This really is becoming a bad habit. What did Professor Brown talk about today?
W: Can you believe it? We talked about George Washington’s false teeth.
M: All I know is that they were made of wood.
W: A professor at a dental school in California recently presented a paper showing that Washington’s teeth were made of many things, including, can you imagine, elephant ivory and cow’s teeth, but not wood.
M: But why do people say Washington’s teeth were made of wood?
W: A set of his teeth that were made of elephant ivory were shown publicly at various exhibitions about a hundred years ago. The ivory had turned a very dark color, and I guess, looks like wood.
M: Yes, I’ve seen some ivory that was dark brown color.
W: It seems that ivory turns dark easily with age, especially if it’s exposed to drinks, such as coffee, tea, or wine. I guess that’s how the story got started.
M: What’s about cow’s teeth?
W: You know cows have teeth just on their bottom jaws. After about five years of biting grass off against their hard up- per jaws, the bottom teeth wear down into the shape of a human tooth.

选项 A、A student and a professor.
B、Two students.
C、Two dentists.
D、A dentist and a patient.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。对话中,两个人谈论Professor Brown的历史课,一个人因睡过头缺了课,另一个人给他讲述上课的内容,因此可以判断这是两名学生在谈论课程。