Small business owners most accept the burdens of entrepreneurship(企业家的职责). B

游客2024-02-24  5

问题     Small business owners most accept the burdens of entrepreneurship(企业家的职责). Being in business for yourself requires your full attention. You seldom leave the office or shop at 5 p.m.【C1】______do you leave job problems there. They follow you home as business homework. This【C2】______less time for your personal life.
    The【C3】______you sought can put you on the spot. You don’t report to a boss. But you do【C4】______as hard as possible to serve your customers. They are your"【C5】______". You also have to compete with creditors, employees, suppliers, and tax collectors. In other words, you are never really【C6】______.
    Small firms can seldom afford to【C7】______enough employees so that each can specialize.  You may have to prepare ads,【C8】______records, make sales calls, and collect bad debts. You must be able to "wear many hats".【C9】______all these tasks take up lots of time.  But you cannot【C10】______long-range planning. You have to set goals and develop plans to meet them.  Give too【C11】______time to management and your business will fail.
    The major cause of business【C12】______is poor management. Of every three business that start, two fail.【C13】______half fail in the first five years. A per son with limited talents may be able to hold a job in a large firm【C14】______others will pick up the slack(松懈,懈怠). When you are in business【C15】______yourself, there is no one to "carry you".
    Even if your firm【C16】______, you may still have little money to spend.  You may work hard for months and not take a penny out,【C17】______the salary you pay yourself. The reason is you may have to【C18】______your profits in the firm for long-term growth. Or you may need to meet short-term【C19】______for cash. You may not even be able to draw a salary【C20】______the firm becomes a truly going concern. [br] 【C2】

选项 A、maintains

答案 B

解析 动词辨析。这句话的意思是说由于忙于自己的生意,个人生活时间就相应减少,这种关系显而易见,因此选用mean“意味着”,mean后直接跟宾语,如:I mean the red one,not the green one.(我是指那个红的,不是绿的。)maintain“继续,保持,维持”,如:He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.(因为他一直坚持失败主义的态度,所以一次又一次地失败。)lead“带领,领导”,宾语常是人,如:lead the peasants’movement(领导农民运动);suggest“暗示,暗含着…的意思”,如:That girl’s suntanned face suggests excellent health.(那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。)