[originaltext]W: Hey Taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.M: Where to?W: W

游客2024-02-24  5

W: Hey Taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.
M: Where to?
W: Well, I’m going to the National Museum of Art, and...
M: Sure. Hop in. No problem. Hang on!
W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?
M: Well, that all depends on the traffic ,but it shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes for the average driver. And I’m not average. I have driving down to an art, so we should be able to cruise through traffic and get there in less than twelve minutes.
W: Oh, by the way, do you know what time the museum closes?
M: Well, I would guess around 6:00 o’clock.
W: Uh, do you have the time?
M: Yeah; It’s half past four.
W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?
M: Umm... Well, the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic. It’s not as inexpensive as other places I know, but the decor is very authentic, and the portions are larger than most places I’ve been to.
W: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?
M: Well, you can catch the subway fight outside the museum. There are buses that run that way, but you would have to transfer a couple of times. And there are taxis too, but they don’t run by the museum that often.
W: Okay. Thanks.

选项 A、To a party.
B、To a restaurant.
C、To a play.
D、To a business meeting.

答案 B

解析 对话中can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?以及How do I get there from the museum?两句暗示了对话中女乘客从博物馆出来后要去餐馆用餐,所以选B)。