[originaltext]M: After this round of discussion, I think we need a drink.W: Go

游客2024-02-24  2

M: After this round of discussion, I think we need a drink.
W: Good plan. All I’ ve had to drink today is a bit of coffee.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman will drink only a bit of coffee.
B、The woman is thirsty.
C、The woman is starving for only having a bit of coffee today.
D、The woman needs coffee to keep herself awake.

答案 B

解析 男士建议谈话结束后大家喝一些东西,女士表赞同,并说“All I’ve had to drink to day has been a bit of coffee.”(我今天喝的所有的东西就是一点点咖啡),言外之意是说她已经非常渴了。有的考生可能忽略了have had to drink而误选C,或将女士的话误听成“All I would drink today is a bit of coffee”而错选A。