[originaltext]M: Fred’s not confident that we’ll win the championship this year

游客2024-02-24  0

M: Fred’s not confident that we’ll win the championship this year.
W: Really? I wonder what’s made him so pessimistic all of a sudden?
Q: What can we tell about Fred from the conversation?
M: I fancy an Indian curry. What do you think?
W: Would you mind if we had Thai instead? They have some really good curries on the menu and there are other dishes I’d like to try.
Q: What can we tell about the speakers’ tastes in food?

选项 A、They both like curry.
B、They like different foods, but at the same restaurants.
C、They think that Thai curries are better than Indian ones.
D、The woman is more willing to experiment than the man.

答案 A

解析 此题要求考生具有一定的综合能力。从I fancy an Indian curry中,可以推测the man喜欢 curry。在最后一句there are other dishes!,I’d like to try.中,如果注意到了other,就可以推断出the woman也喜欢curry。从对话可知,the woman建议试一下Thai,因此,可以排除B选项。至于C、 D选项的内容,对话中并没有提及。