[originaltext]M: Fred’s not confident that we’ll win the championship this year

游客2024-02-24  1

M: Fred’s not confident that we’ll win the championship this year.
W: Really? I wonder what’s made him so pessimistic all of a sudden?
Q: What can we tell about Fred from the conversation?
W: Good morning. Is this the right counter for international money transfers?
M: Yes, it is, if you are sending money. If you are collecting money, you should go to the next counter.
Q: Which of the following is certainly true, according to what was said in the conversation?

选项 A、The woman is sending money abroad.
B、The woman has been sent money from abroad.
C、There is more than one counter for international money transfers.
D、The woman is at the wrong counter.

答案 C

解析 此题要求考生了解对话的主题:international money transfers。对话中the woman并没有透露是sending money或者是collecting money,因此,也就不能确定是否走错了柜台,A、B、C三项都不应该选。从the next counter上看,就可以推断出有不止一个柜台,正确答案为C。