[originaltext]M: I like the color of this shirt, do you have a larger size?W:

游客2024-02-23  5

M: I like the color of this shirt, do you have a larger size?
W: This is the largest in this color, other colors come in all sizes.
Q: What does the woman imply?
W: Can you give me a hand, Mike? I want to move a few heavy items into the car.
M: I’d like to but I am already five minutes late for my appointment with Mr. Johnson, and his office is on the other side of the campus.
Q: What would the man most probably do?

选项 A、Put off his appointment with Mr. Johnson.
B、Help move things to Mr. Johnson’s office.
C、Help the woman move the items.
D、Hurry to Mr. Johnson’s office.

答案 D

解析 推理判断。从男士的回答可知,他虽然愿意帮忙,但是,他与Mr.Johnson的约会已经迟到了五分钟,可推断出他最可能是先去赴约。