[originaltext]W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left le

游客2024-02-23  7

W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesn’t hurt as much as it did yesterday.
M: She’d better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And I will call her about it this evening.
Q: What does the man think Carol should do?
M: There is a non-stop train for Washington and it leaves at 2: 30.
W: It’s faster than the 2 o’clock train. Besides, we can have something to eat before getting on the train.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The 2:00 train will arrive earlier.
B、The 2:30 train has a dining car.
C、The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.
D、They are going to have some fast food on the train.

答案 C

解析 推理判断。从女士的话里可知2:30的直达车比 2:00的那趟要快,而且还可以在上车之前吃点东西,可推断她是更愿意乘2:30这次车。