Types of Examinations An examination falls into one
Types of Examinations An examination falls into one
Types of Examinations
An examination falls into one of two main categories: the objective exam and the subjective exam. Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages, depending upon the course, content, and purpose of the exam.
OBJECTIVE EXAMINATIONS. There are numerous variations of this type of exam. Basically, in an objective exam you are limited to selecting the right answer from a group of possible answers. You do not write anything; you merely decide whether the answer opposite A, B,C, or D is correct. This ex am is considered to be objective in two ways:(1)Each student has an equal chance; he must merely choose the correct answer from the same list of alternatives, therefore he has no opportunity to express a different attitude or personal opinion.(2)The judgment and personality of the teacher cannot influence the correction in any way. Indeed, many objective tests are scored by machines.
This type of exam may be graded more quickly and objectively than the subjective type, but it is not necessarily more reliable. An objective exam requires you only to recognize rather than to reproduce what you have learned. Although a well-constructed objective exam can require you to think through a complicated problem, evaluating alternatives before selecting an answer, it is generally not as effective as the subjective type in measuring your ability to assimilate or interpret information.
Objective exams are usually true-false, multiple choice, matching, or sentence completion questions.
Standard Exams: A standard exam is an objective type that is used widely and often repeatedly. You may have taken an English exam of this kind; for example, TOEFL( Test of English as a Foreign Language), or the English Proficiency Test. The Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate Record Examination are other examples.
On exams of this type, you are not expected to answer all of the questions or get a perfect score. Your result is reported as a standard score, based on the results of thousands of students. Because these exams are corrected by machine, you do not indicate answers on the exam paper itself. Instead you mark a separate answer sheet, usually by blackening a space or letter that corresponds with the letter of the answer on the exam paper. Whatever the specific directions may be, follow them exactly. A machine cannot guess what answers you intended. Also, because you must read questions on one paper and record answers on another paper, under the pressure of time you may become confused and misplace an answer. Be sure that the number of the answer corresponds with the number of the question.
On any type of objective exam, it is important to read the directions carefully and follow them exactly. They will differ from exam to exam, and sometimes within an exam. Be sure you understand how you should indicate your answer and that you do it exactly as required. Otherwise your answer is likely to be counted wrong.
When you take an exam of this kind, look over the whole exam first to get a general idea of the type and range of questions, the method of indicating your answers, and any suggested distribution of time. Check to see if there are any directions about guessing. Often a wrong answer counts off double while an omitted answer counts off only one. Avoid wild guessing, but if you have a vague idea of the answer, or if you are sure that several of the choices are obviously wrong, it may be to your advantage to guess.
When you are sure that you understand the directions, begin. Do not spend too much time on any one question. If you are not sure of it, omit it and go on to others, coming back to it later if you have time.
Read the statements careful. Look for important key words such as all, none, never, always, some times, least, best. Words of this kind are modifiers on which the correctness of a statement depends.
When you have finished the exam, check your paper over. Ask yourself.
1. Have I followed directions exactly?
2. Have I answered all the questions I possibly can?
3. Have I recorded the answers accurately and clearly?
SUBJECTIVE(OR ESSAY-TYPE)EXAMINATIONS. This type of exam is considered to be subjective because you are able to express your own opinions freely and interpret information in any way you wish. In the same way, your teacher is able to evaluate the quality of your opinions and interpretations, as well as the organization and logic of your presentation.
An essay exam allows you to select, organize, and present information in whatever way you choose.
In this kind of exam, be sure you know how much time you are permitted. Plan to write only as much as you can write well in the time allowed.
Before you begin to write anything, organize your thoughts by outlining a possible answer. Check your outline to see that it has a pattern of development. When you feel sure that you have included as much information as required, and only information that is relevant, begin to write.
Your English is an important part of the essay. While writing exams for courses other than English, you may tend to neglect the quality of your English. An essay examination is kind of verbal communication. The clarity of the message depends upon your expression. If your grammar is imprecise, if your vocabulary is ambiguous, if your organization is distorted, if your handwriting is illegible, there is likely to be a breakdown in communication. Even if the message comes through, your teacher may unconsciously deduct credit for straining his eyesight and patience. Use the very best English you know at all times. It will help in your work in other courses, and it will reinforce correct language habits in English. [br] In a subjective exam, you should organize your thoughts by outlining a possible answer before you be gin to write anything.
此题的关键词是“subjective exam”,“organize”,“outline”,据此知答案应在文章第二大部分找,此部分的第四段第一句讲“Before you begin to write anything,organize your thoughts by outlining a possible answer”,因此,此题判断为YES。
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