[originaltext] Many families in the United States have a larger income than
[originaltext] Many families in the United States have a larger income than
Many families in the United States have a larger income than ever before, but people are finding it difficult to make ends meet anyway. Almost everyone is wondering, "What happens to all my money? I never seem to have anything left to put away."
Why isn’t a dollar worth as much as it used to be? One dollar is always worth the same amount, that is, 100 cents. But the value of a dollar is how much it can buy. The value of money depends on the cost of living. Economists say that the cost of living is the money that a family must pay for the necessities of life such as food, housing or rent, clothes, and medical expenses. For many years now, the cost of living has increased greatly, so the value of the dollar has decreased. When a dollar has a low value, you can’t buy as many things with it.
No one fully understands why the cost of living keeps increasing, but economists believe that workers and producers can make the prices go up. As workers earn more money, they have more money to spend, so they demand more goods. If there is a great demand for certain goods, the prices of these goods go up. At the same time, if there’s shortage of goods, the prices also go up. For example, if everyone wants to buy more and more gas, the price of gas goes up. When companies withhold gas from buyers, they can also make the price of gas go up.
Families need to know what happens to their money. They need to make their income meet the cost of living. So many people plan a family budget. A budget is a list of monthly expenses. If your expenses add up to more than your income, you must find ways to save money. Maybe you’re spending too much on entertainment. Or if you’re spending too much on clothes, you may want to sew your own clothes. Budgeting helps you spend your money wisely as the cost of living increases.
A、To increase the value of their dollars.
B、To put away more money every month.
C、To make their income meet the cost of living.
D、To limit their expenses on entertainment and clothes.
原文再现。选项C)中的to make their income meet the cost of living意为收支平衡,收支相抵。
A.弯矩和剪力 B.轴力 C.弯矩和轴力 D.剪力
灯具安装时其质量大于(),必须固定在螺栓或预埋吊钩上。A.2kg B.3kg
下列表述哪些可以成立? A.司机白某在驾车途中因突发心脏病,把车停在了标有“
A.牙挫伤 B.牙脱位 C.冠折 D.根折 E.冠根折外伤后向深部嵌入,