Your proposal looks good ______ ,but I am not convinced it can be put into effec

游客2024-02-21  7

问题 Your proposal looks good ______ ,but I am not convinced it can be put into effect.

选项 A、on paper
B、at sight
C、under cover
D、in bulk

答案 A

解析 介词词组辨析。注意后半句中的put into effect“付诸实施”,前后形成对照,所以选on paper“在理论上;据书面材料”:On paper he is the better of the two.从书面材料看,两人中他比较好。at sight(1)“看得见,被看到”:There was not a soul in sight.一个人影也看不见。(2)“在望,临近”:Peace was in sight after five years of war.经过5年战争,和平终于在望了。under cover“秘密的(地),暗地里(地)”;in bulk“散装;大批,大量“:sell in bulk整批出售