[originaltext]W: I’m sick of being a salaried employee. Why don’t we pool our s

游客2024-02-21  5

W: I’m sick of being a salaried employee. Why don’t we pool our savings and start our own business?
M: Great idea! If we pool our knowledge and talent, we’ll succeed in any venture.
Q: What might the two speakers do?

选项 A、Quit their jobs at the same time.
B、Establish a firm in collaboration.
C、Enrich their poor knowledge in business.
D、Take an adventurous trip with their savings.

答案 B

解析 由对话中女士提到的Why don’t we…start our own business?以及男士的回答“好主意!如果我们把我们的知识合在一起,我们在任何项目上都将取得成功”可推断出,说话双方可能会一起创建一个公司,故答案为[B]。pool指“集合”。