Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago h

游客2024-02-21  4

问题 Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, ______ gotten one.

选项 A、leave alone
B、leave behind
C、let alone
D、let down

答案 C

解析 逻辑关系题:递进。分析题干,有离婚的念头就会丢了位子,空缺处表示“要是真的离了婚”时的情形,在语气上更进一步,故选[C]let alone(更别提)。考生值得注意的是:let sb. /sth.alone意为“不打扰,不惊动(某人或某物)”,等同于leave alone。[B]leave behind“遗留,留下”;[D]let down“使失望;放下,降低”。