We shouldn’t expect a technical innovation can be made perfect overnight. It has

游客2024-02-21  6

问题 We shouldn’t expect a technical innovation can be made perfect overnight. It has to be improved ______ in fact.

选项 A、from cover to Cover
B、at a good pace
C、in succession
D、step by step

答案 D

解析 本题考查词组辨析。选项中from cover to cover=from beginning to end从头到尾;at a good pace=quite quickly相当快的;in succession=successively连续地;step by step=gradually一步一步,切切实实。这句话的意思是:我们不应该指望技术革新一夜之间就能做到十全十美,必须逐步加以完善。所以D符合句意。