A computer can store ______ information because it has a very large memory.A、a g

游客2024-02-21  5

问题 A computer can store ______ information because it has a very large memory.

选项 A、a great many
B、vast amounts of
C、a large number of
D、a number of

答案 B

解析 本题考核介词短语使用。句意为:因为计算机的内存非常大,所以能够储存大量的信息。四组选项都意为“大量的,许多”,但a great many、a large number of和a number of常用于修饰可数名词,此处只有vast amounts of即a vast amount of可以用于修饰不可数名词。information为不可数名词,所以答案只能是B。