[originaltext]W: How can our history teacher give us such a difficult assignmen

游客2024-02-20  3

W: How can our history teacher give us such a difficult assignment and only allow us a weekend to finish it? My plan to go camping on this weekend is totally ruined.
M: Monica, don’t be such a drama queen. I’m sure you can finish the project well and enjoy your weekend at the same time.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Jane, is Jack really calling it quits?
W: I don’t think so. What I hear is that he is going to be working for the next semester so that he can save enough money to come back the next year.
Q: What can we learn about Jack?

选项 A、He is working hard now to earn money.
B、He is going to drop out of school forever.
C、He is Jane’s best friend and tells her everything.
D、He doesn’t have enough money to stay at school.

答案 D

解析 对话中女士提到,她听说Jack下学期将要去工作,这样就能攒够钱明年再回来上学。由此可知,Jack因为没有足够的钱而不能留在学校,故答案为[D]。call it quits意为“停止”。