Marriage and divorce are life-changing events, the effects of which are evid

游客2024-02-20  4

问题     Marriage and divorce are life-changing events, the effects of which are evident in innumerable ways.
    Both marriage and divorce appear to lead to weight gain among couples, but each occasion affects men and women differently. Researchers from Ohio State University found that women tended to gain more weight than men after marriage, while after a divorce, men’s girth (腰围) expanded more than women’s.
    Previous studies of weight gain have looked at average gains and losses, but Prof. Zhenchao Qian and his student Dmitry Tumin decided to break down the weight effects by gender to better understand whether marital (婚姻的) transitions affected men differently than women.
    The researchers looked at survey data from a nationally representative sample of more than 10,000 men and women who were 14 to 22 years old when the survey began in 1979. The participants were questioned every year until 1994, and then every other year afterward.
    The scientists found interesting gender differences when they focused on the two-year mark after a marriage or divorce. Although both men and women who married tended to gain weight compared with their counterparts who stayed single, women tended to gain more weight than men.
Two years after a divorce, separated partners tended to be heavier compared with couples who remained married, but conversely, men posted larger weight gains than women.
    The study did not dig into what particular lifestyle habits—in diet or physical activity, for example—may have changed after either marriage or divorce to lead to weight gain, but the relationship between weight and life events remained strong after the researchers accounted for potential confounding (混合的) factors such as race, education and income.
    Qian and Tumin have some theories, based on previous research by others on the subject. Following marriage, the researchers suggest, wives may encourage their husbands to adopt a healthier lifestyle, helping men maintain their weight or even lose a few excess pounds. After divorce, however, men may return to their pound-packing habits.
    Women, on the other hand, may tend to eat more and exercise less after getting married and starting a family because of the stresses of child bearing and maintaining a household.
    The effects were strongest among those who were 30 or older at the time they married or divorced. Younger people didn’t show as consistent a pattern in weight gain or loss after such events. [br] The participants of Prof. Zhenchao Qian’s study were______.

选项 A、questioned every two years after 1994
B、selected without any restraint
C、questioned every year before 1979
D、not mature when the survey began

答案 A

解析 事实细节题。根据原文“参与者每年都被调查直到1994年,随后.他们每隔一年被调查一次”可知,研究项目的参与者在1994年之后每两年被调查一次,A)“1994年之后每两年被调查一次”符合文意,其中every two years与原文中的every other year是同义转述,故为答案。原文提到研究人员收集的是国内具有代表性的样本资料,可见参与者的选择是有条件的,故排除B);原文提到研究人员从1979年开始收集样本资料,也就是说参与者参与此项目研究是从1979才开始的,故排除C);原文指出研究的样本资料涵盖了超过1万名14岁到22岁的男性与女性,参与者有成年和未成年的,从年龄上也不能判断他们成熟与否,故排除D)。