Scandals are rooted in test-based systems; they exist with or without fraud.

游客2024-02-20  2

问题     Scandals are rooted in test-based systems; they exist with or without fraud. We sell our children short when we send them to schools where testing replaces teaching, test-taking replaces learning, and test scores are the【S1】______goal.
    To understand how tests and learning become enemies, imagine the impact on teachers whose job security suddenly depends on the【S2】______application of a statistical model that almost all assessment experts warn cannot【S3】______measure teachers’ performance.
    These teachers know that under such a system, they will rank lower if they spend time teaching ideas that, while important to students, aren’t【S4】______on the crucial test. They will rank lower if they【S5】______the challenge of teaching troubled children or working in a high-poverty area where students’ academic performance is【S6】______by fewer opportunities to learn outside school.
    After 10 years’ experience with the No Child Left Behind law, researchers have repeatedly shown that【S7】______high stakes to test scores pushes engaging lessons aside in favor of upsetting tost preparation. Art, science and social studies are crowded out. Why teach a subject if it won’t be tested? These are understandable【S8】______to clear incentives, even if they undermine the【S9】______goals of schooling. And the higher the stakes placed on test results, the more the learning process is distorted (扭曲). Teachers, their unions and parents are right to be concerned.
    When we send our children to schools, we expect they’ll be engaged and challenged. Yes, tests are an important part of that; they【S10】______teachers about what students know. But testing isn’t teaching. Forcibly inserting tests into the heart of schooling harms learning and hurts children.
A) accept I) inform
B) acknowledgement J) real
C) attaching K) recommendation
D) denial L) responses
E) determined M Restrained
F) inappropriate N) ultimate
G) included O) validly
H) finally [br] 【S6】


答案 M

解析 空格位于由where引导的定语从句中,前有系动词is,后接表示动作发出者的介词by,由此推断,应选择动训过去分词表被动。根据句意,在贫困地区教学是一个挑战,因为这类地区的儿童的知识水平往往有限,而限制他们的因素就是课外学习机会较少,因此选择restrained“限制”。