[originaltext]M: Hi, oh, sorry, I’m late.W: I’m waiting for you to begin the p

游客2024-02-20  6

M: Hi, oh, sorry, I’m late.
W: I’m waiting for you to begin the program. Are you OK?
M: I was carrying some stuff to my basin last night and it injured my ankle. It’s still swollea
W: I have just to think to help. A little Mozart please?
M: Wait, wait, hold on. (22) What does Mozart have to do with my injured ankle?
W: Maybe it’ll help. Studies have shown that Mozart is helpful for healing or curing of disease, and it can help lower blood pressure and reduce pain in patients on the return to health.
M: Any music or just Mozart?
W: It is a good question. (23) Mozart was a guy who was often ill, and he always battled some illness or infection, so he may have unintentionally composed music that helped him relax and feel better.
M: That’s interesting, but how can we know that’s true?
W: Well, a Harvard doctor named Claudius Conrad did a simple experiment. He gave earphones to ten patients recovering from surgery. Five listened to Mozart, and five heard nothing.
M: That sounds interesting. What’s the result?
W: The patients that listened to Mozart had lower blood pressure, less need for pain medication, and reduced stress. (24) They also help the growth, which could work as a drug used to make one calm or go to sleep.
M: Interesting, (25) but what if you hate Mozart, what if your favorite music is heavy metal? Was that still help you heal?
W: (25) That’s the next step in research. I am looking forward to the findings.
22. How can Mozart help the man with his injured ankle?
23. Why may Mozart composed music that helped the curing of disease?
24. Why could Mozart help the growth?
25. What is the next step in research?

选项 A、It can remove stress.
B、It promotes fast sleep.
C、It can relieve pain.
D、It improves hearing.

答案 B

解析 题干询问为什么莫扎特的音乐有助于成长发育。对话中女士说莫扎特的音乐有助于成长发育,因为音乐可以作为让人平静并进入睡眠的药物,故答案为B)。