What is the main idea of the passage? [br] The zebra horn sharks sometimes may h

游客2024-02-19  8

问题 What is the main idea of the passage? [br] The zebra horn sharks sometimes may hide their bodies in ______.


答案 the sea bed

解析 本题空白处问“斑坟角鲨有时会将身体藏在什么地方”。通过题干中的zebra horn shark 可以将出处定位于第十二段,文中提到“Benthic sharks (living at the ocean floor) like the zebra horn shark usually have flattened, camouflaged bodies that let them hide in the sea bed. (象斑纹角鲨这类居住在大洋底部的深海鲨鱼有着扁平的、伪装的身体,使它们能够潜藏在海底。)”也就是说,斑纹角鲨能够将扁平的身体藏于海床下。因此答案为“the sea bed”。