[originaltext]M: Do you have classes on Wednesday, Liza?W: No, I don’t. Any su

游客2024-02-19  9

M: Do you have classes on Wednesday, Liza?
W: No, I don’t. Any suggestions?
M: Why don’t we go to the library? I know you want to find some model research papers, and I need to borrow some reference books for my book report.
Q: What does the man want to do in the library?
M: Would you like to go and ask the boys to turn the music down? I can’t even hear myself think.
W: Do you really think it will make any difference to them?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The boys don’t want to listen to different music.
B、The boys probably won’t turn down the music.
C、The woman doesn’t think the music is too loud.
D、They should move to somewhere else.

答案 B

解析 makes difference意为“(对某事)有影响”。男士让女士去跟孩子们说一说,把音乐声调小一点,女士反问他“你真以为说了管用?”,言外之意是他们不会听的。因此,正确答案应为B,他们可能不会将音乐声调小。