Are you single but too busy to search for love? Then you need to try the lat

游客2024-02-19  3

问题     Are you single but too busy to search for love? Then you need to try the latest dating phenomenon that is sweeping across the UK--speed dating.
    Speed dating involves men and women meeting in a room and finding out as much as they can about possible partners in three minutes. It’s proving very popular with Britain’s young people who find that they haven’t got the time to meet that special one. At a speed dating event, you are given three minutes to talk, one on one, with a member of the opposite sex. Then a bell is rung and you move to another person and start chatting again. By the end of the evening you will have spoken with up to twenty men or women.!
    If, by the end of a conversation, you fancy the person or would like to see them again, you write it down on a card. Then, if the other person also fancies you, the organisers will contact you with their details.
    But is three minutes long enough to make an impression and work out if you want to see someone again? Research suggests that chemistry can be felt within the first thirty seconds of meeting someone, and that is what speed dating is all about, knowing quickly if you are going to like someone.
    And what about romance? Is it possible to make a good judgment in such a short time? After all, people say you can’t hurry love. However, Britain will soon have its first marriage from a speed dating.
    So, if you are on a mission to find Mr. or Miss Right, what have you got to lose? At worst, you still go honie on your own. But at best, the person of your dreams could be just three minutes away. [br] If a person fancies another person at a speed dating, he/she may ______.

选项 A、contact the person later
B、let the organizer know about that
C、tell the person immediately
D、keep it to himself/herself

答案 B

解析 第四段指出;如果你看中了一个人,可以把这个人记在一张卡片上;如果这个人也看中了你,约会的组织者会把这个人的具体信息提供给你。据此可以判断:双方不是直接联系,而是通过组织者进行联系的,因此选择B。