[originaltext]W: I’m leaving for New York tomorrow at noon.Could you drive me t

游客2024-02-19  11

W: I’m leaving for New York tomorrow at noon.Could you drive me to the airport?
M: Only if I don’t have such a heavy load of work to do.Nick won’t be working tomorrow.
Q: What does the man mean?
M:I would really like to know why Donna is always so hostile toward me.
W: Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?
Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do?

选项 A、Apologize to Donna.
B、Confront Donna directly.
C、Excuse Donna’s behavior.
D、Write Donna a letter.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士不明白为什么Donna总是对他充满敌意,女士就建议男士应该coming right out and asking her,即开诚布公地跟Donna谈一谈,所以选择B)。A)女士要男士向Donna道歉,对话中没有这层含义;C)原谅Donna的做法,D)给Donna写一封信,都不是女士为男士提出的建议,所以排除。