Two scientists are talking in a lab one day and one says to the other, "Wait

游客2024-02-19  9

问题     Two scientists are talking in a lab one day and one says to the other, "Wait till you see my 【S1】______ discovery. It’ll blow your mind!" Naturally intrigued, the second scientist asks for a 【S2】______ of this amazing discovery. At his request, the first scientist gets a spider out of a match box, 【S3】______ it on the desk and says, "Spider, Forward!" At his command, the spider moves 【S4】______ . The scientist then says, "Spider, Turn Around", to which the spider obeys. The scientist then says "Spider, Forward", and again the spider does 【S5】______ as it is told. The second scientist, 【S6】______ with his friend’s command of the spider, 【S7】______ him on his work. The first scientist then replies, "No, you haven’t seen my discovery yet. Wait till you see this", and he then pulls all of the spider’s legs off and places it back on the desk. The first scientist then repeats his 【S8】______ to the spider "Spider, Forwards", but the spider doesn’t move. "Spider, Turn Around". But it still doesn’t move. By this point the second scientist is getting a little 【S9】______ , and so asks his friend what it is he’s trying to do, pointing out that the spider isn’t going to move. "Exactly!" the first replies, "I’ve just discovered that when you pull a spider’s legs out, it goes 【S10】______ !"

A) particular        B) demonstration        C) deaf               D) forward  
E) latest            F) discovery            G) order              H) excitedly
I) exactly           J) places               K) congratulates      L) challenged
M) impressed         N) confused  [br] 【S2】


答案 B

解析 空格中需填入名词。空格所在句意为“第二个科学家要求第一个科学家给他——这个发现”。接下来一句则讲述第一个科学家演示蜘蛛接受指令的过程。据此,空格处应填入demonstration,该词意为“演示”,还可表示“抗议,游行”。