[originaltext]W: It’s almost five o’clock and Mark’s not here yet.M: If he doe

游客2024-02-18  6

W: It’s almost five o’clock and Mark’s not here yet.
M: If he doesn’t hurry, he’ll miss the train.
Q: What are they worried about?
M: Has your brother found an apartment yet?
W: No, he’s still living in a room down town, but I am helping him look for one.
Q: What do we learn about the woman’s brother?

选项 A、He is going to sell his house.
B、He’s found an apartment.
C、He’s going to find an apartment.
D、He’s sold his house.

答案 C

解析 很明显,根据选项推测对话的内容与人物的行动有关,而且涉及到找房或卖房。对话中出现了“…he’s still living in a room down town,but I am helping him...”,说明他还没有找到公寓,但是还在找,因此正确答案为C。