[originaltext]W: It’s almost five o’clock and Mark’s not here yet.M: If he doe

游客2024-02-18  4

W: It’s almost five o’clock and Mark’s not here yet.
M: If he doesn’t hurry, he’ll miss the train.
Q: What are they worried about?
M: Since it’s the rush hour, let’s take the subway.
W: OK, it’s not as direct as the bus, but it’s faster and there will be less chance of a traffic jam.
Q: Why do the man and the woman decide to take the subway?

选项 A、Because it’s more direct.
B、Because it’s less crowded.
C、Because it’s less expensive.
D、Because it’s faster.

答案 D

解析 根据选项,推测对话的内容与某人对某事的态度相关,因此应特别关注对话中听话人的反应。对话中出现了“it’s not as direct as the bus,but it’s faster and there will be less chance of a traffic jam.”可以选出答案是D。