[originaltext]W: William Edward? Is that you? I can’t believe it. It’s been suc

游客2024-02-18  4

W: William Edward? Is that you? I can’t believe it. It’s been such a long time.
M: Hey, Emma, I’m sorry for not replying to your e-mails. I’ve been very busy at work.
W: Yeah, everyone is talking about your big promotion. I thought that I’d get that job. But since I didn’t get it, I’m glad that you did. I’m sure you’ll be a terrific leader.
M: (22)Anyone can be a great leader. It just takes improving your skills and learning important principles.
If you learned them, I’m sure that you can get promoted, too.
W: I don’t believe it can be so simple, but I’d like to learn anyway.
M: (23)First of all, you should learn how to be strong but not rude.
W: Yeah, that’s a tough one for me.
M: Secondly, you should learn to be kind but not weak.
W: Sure, I hear this one from my mother all the time. (24) She says that kindness is a certain type of strength, that we should all be kind, and that we should always tell the truth.
M: That’s right. We should always tell it like it is, but in a nice way.
W: Say, why are you looking at your watch? Do you have something important to do?
M: Oh, yes. I have a meeting in five minutes. But before I leave, let me tell you the last important points of being a great leader. (25)You must be bold but not a bully. This will build your influence.
W: I see, thanks for your advice, William.
22. What does the man want to tell the woman?
23. What is the first step to become a capable leader?
24. What should people always do besides being kind according to the woman’s mother?
25. What should one do if he wants to build up his influence?

选项 A、Be the best of a group.
B、Solve problems quickly.
C、Be brave and treat others kindly.
D、Accept life as it is.

答案 C

解析 语义理解题。男士给女士提的最后一条建议是要勇敢无畏,但不能以权压人,这样才能树立威信。由此可以推断,男士认为要想树立威信,应该要勇敢,并友善地对待别人。