If you want to buy a house, which of the following could you do? [br] According

游客2024-02-18  5

问题 If you want to buy a house, which of the following could you do? [br] According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

选项 A、The small company can only get financial help from the bank.
B、The bank won’t lend money to individuals.
C、The bank is pleased to provide long-term finance for the large businesses.
D、The bank can provide temporary money for the large businesses.

答案 D

解析 推断题。由四个选项可判断该题是有关银行提供资金方面的内容。末段首句though they(bank)will provide short-term finance...(虽然他们能提供每期资金…)temporary与short-term同义,可知答案为D。