If you want to buy a house, which of the following could you do? [br] Large busi

游客2024-02-18  6

问题 If you want to buy a house, which of the following could you do? [br] Large business gets new money to pay for major development by______.

选项 A、borrowing from friends
B、involving banks
C、borrowing from building societies
D、selling shares of the company

答案 D

解析 细节题。由题干new money可定位至第五段末句:大公司要想得到新的资金需要开辟别的渠道,下文说大公司不要指望能从朋友或亲戚那儿筹到足够的钱,通常银行也不会为长期项目提供足够的资金。这些公司有时只能通过出售股份来筹集资金。