[originaltext]Let’s talk about the stories with expressions that include the wo

游客2024-02-18  8

Let’s talk about the stories with expressions that include the word "face".
The first is "face the music". It means to accept the results of what you have done. Here is an example from a Reuter’s news report. Britain’s highest court had ruled that former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was legally arrested. Opponents of General Pinochet welcomed the news. One of them said we have waited for years for this man to face the music. No one is sure how the expression began. One story is that it came from a military ceremony held when a soldier was forced out of an army. The buttons were cut from the soldier’s clothing. He was put on a horse facing the back of the horse and led away. As he left he faced the music of a military band and the soldiers he had served with. Another story says the expression began in the theater. New actors shaking with fright were told that the only cure was to go out and face the music. The music was played by the orchestra seated in front of the stage.
Another expression is "as plain as the nose on your face". It means that something is as clear as it can possibly be. Shakespeare used the words almost 500 years ago for a joke in his play Two Gentlemen of Verona. Valentine secretly loves Lady Sylvia. His servant jokes that Vlaentine’s love for her is "as hard to see as the nose on a man’s face". Of course a man’s nose can not be hidden.
Where did the expression "face the music" come from?
What does the sentence "your love for Mary is as plain as the nose on your face" mean?

选项 A、It means "everybody can see you love Marx".
B、It means "your love toward Mary is plain".
C、It means "your nose is so plain that Mary won’t like it".
D、It means "you should hide your nose while dating Mary".

答案 A

解析 本题问“‘your love for Mary is as plain as the nose on your face’这句话是什么意思?”短文指出,Another  expression is "as plain as the nose on  your face".It means that something is as clear as it can possibly be.由此可见,短语“as plain as the nose on your face”的意思是指事情“再清楚不过了”。据此可以确定[A]意思是“每个人都看得出你爱玛丽”正确。