For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled My Mos

游客2024-02-18  8

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled My Most Unforgettable Teacher. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 你最难忘的老师是……;
2. 他(她)让你难忘的原因;
3. 你们师生之间的关系。


答案                       My Most Unforgettable Teacher
    Wang Meimei is a Chinese girl. She is 21 years old. She is slim and of middle height. She has black eyes. She is a kind person and treats people just as equally. She teaches us oral English and we all like her. Her teaching is vivid and interesting.
    One day she brought a balloon into the classroom and asked us to play a game. She blew air into the balloon and when it was full of air, Ms. Wang passed it to one student and asked him, "Have you been to Nanjing?" The student caught the balloon and answered, "No, I haven’t. But I have been to Tianjin. "Then the balloon was passed to another student and the former student asked him, "Have you been to Shanghai?" Then the balloon went from one to the other and the students kept practicing the same sentence pattern "Have you been to... ?"
    After class Ms. Wang is our friend. We play sports together. We visit her, watch TV at her home and help her with her cooking. We feel love warmth and friendship. She has moved to another city. I will always remember it when she said," Once your teacher, always your friend. "Hopefully we will have more teachers like Ms. Wang.
