The example of the English schoolboy was used to show that ______. [br] Accordin

游客2024-02-18  5

问题 The example of the English schoolboy was used to show that ______. [br] According to the author, the correspondence between the lengths of reporter’s questions and Bush’s answers increased because speakers ______.

选项 A、are trying to be accepted by others without even knowing it
B、have a strong demand for balance when they are speaking
C、always have an instinct to imitate the people they are talking to
D、themselves want to know each other well

答案 A

解析 由题干中的Bush可以定位到原文第三段第二句The correspondence between the length of reporters’ questions when interviewing President Bush, and the length of his replies has been shown to increase over the duration of his 2005—2007 news conferences.[精析] 目的原因题[考频:24]。题干问的是“作者”认为记者所提的问题的长度与总统的回答长度之间的一致性明显提高的原因。在原文第三段末尾,作者提出“这两种解释都不是特别具有说服力。把‘反应配对’理解为说话人想要融入彼此的一种无意识的反映可能更好些。”A)“说话人努力去被别人接受而不自知”,就是一种“无意识地融入彼此”,故为正确答案。[避错] 由原文“Jaffe和Feldstein倾向于认为这是由于讲话人有寻求平衡的需要”可推知B)是作者否定的解释之一,故排除;由原文“Argyle说这一过程可能就是一种‘模仿”’可推知C)也不是作者的观点,故排除;D)“说话者们想更好地了解彼此”并未在原文提到,故排除。