The example of the English schoolboy was used to show that ______. [br] If one w

游客2024-02-18  6

问题 The example of the English schoolboy was used to show that ______. [br] If one wants to get more personal information from others, the best way is to ______.

选项 A、tell them more general information about oneself
B、tell others more secrets about oneself
C、become their intimate friends by long conversations
D、imitate others in their speeches in more detailed ways

答案 B

解析 由题干中的personal information定位到原文第二段末句Several studies have shown that the more one reveals about oneself in ordinary conversation, and the more intimate these details are, the more personal secrets the other person will let out.[精析] 事实细节题[考频:51]。该句的比较级句式说,一个人在一般的交谈中越多地暴露自己的秘密,而且暴露的细节越具有隐私性,那么另外一个人就可能越多地吐露私人秘密。由此推知,要想让别人吐露秘密,最好的方式就是自己吐露更多的秘密。B)与之相符,故为正确答案。[避错] 由原文比较级句式可知,暴露的是秘密而非一般情况,故排除A)“告诉他们更多自己的一般情况”;原文虽提及要靠交谈,但并没有说是长时间的,也没有说成为知心朋友,故排除C)“通过长时间交谈成为他们的知心朋友”;原文说首先要自己暴露秘密,也即自己的话语模式让别人模仿以达到目的,可知D)“通过更细致的方式模仿别人的话语”逻辑上不符,故排除。