Some twenty years ago, the performance of girls and boys in class was compar

游客2024-02-18  4

问题     Some twenty years ago, the performance of girls and boys in class was compared. Boys scored better in exams, so various measures were introduced to improve the performance of girls, including having single sex girl-only classes. Now, the situation is reversed, with girls consistently out-performing boys.
    So, what has gone wrong with boys, and what can be done about it? John Dunsford, leader of the association of head teachers of secondary schools, says that the academic failure of boys is a problem which has its roots in society rather than the classroom. Girls, more than boys, see education as a passport to a good job. On the other hand, according to Penny Lewis, a head teacher, young men lack confidence, which they hide with a show of bravado. They’re uncertain about their place in society. Some boys grow up in families where there is no male role model to follow.
    Moreover, boys may learn in a different way from girls, preferring small amounts of work with immediate deadlines rather than large projects stretching into the distance. And education is not seen as ’cool’.
    As one contributor to a BBC website put it, "Girls achieve more at school because they are watching the future while the boys are watching the girls."
    This is not just a problem in Britain. In a study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and UNESCO, girls out-performed boys at reading at the age of 15 in all 45 countries. The UK ranks ninth out of the 45 countries for reading despite the fact that pupils in the UK spend less time reading than in most other countries. Interestingly, the study suggested that British children read for pleasure more often than those in other countries. [br] Which ONE of the following is true?

选项 A、Girls all over the world out-perform boys in study.
B、Pupils in the UK spend more time in reading compared with those in other countries.
C、The future of boys in the UK is pessimistic.
D、The British children read more for pleasure than those in other countries.

答案 D

解析 根据最后一段。选项A不正确,因为调查是在,45个国家进行的,不能以此得出“全世界的女生都在学习方面比男生出色”:选项B与文中“despite the fact that pupils in the UK spend less time reading than in most other countries”相反,故不正确;选项 C不正确,因为文中没有涉及对男生未来发展情况的展望,只是对目前问题的原因分析。根据该段最后一句,选项D正确。